I've been giving a lot of informal brown bag presentations at work lately so I thought why not try to do it online? The size and quality of the video isn't really what I'm going for so I'll probably try to find a better hosting service and then relink the video at a future date.
This video discusses how to use Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V on inexpensive white-box hardware to provide a robust installation test environment. Future videos will show how this system can also provide all of the other services needed in a stand alone development environment.
The video is merely a capture of my desktop with voice overlay. Let's face it, what's going on in the presentation is what is important, not what the author looks like.
This video discusses how to use Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V on inexpensive white-box hardware to provide a robust installation test environment. Future videos will show how this system can also provide all of the other services needed in a stand alone development environment.
The video is merely a capture of my desktop with voice overlay. Let's face it, what's going on in the presentation is what is important, not what the author looks like.
Note: Be sure to check out other videos on Hyper-V that You Tube suggests by clicking the icon in the lower right hand corner. Also, the video uploaded is small so here is a detailed screenshot of what the snapshot tree looks like (I suggest opening it in a new tab and referring to it):

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